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Exhibition Dates: 5 October – 17 November 2024, Marsden Gallery, Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre

Launch: Saturday 12 October 2024, 2-4pm (alongside 26th Annual Liverpool Art Society Exhibition)

RSVP for launch: 26th Liverpool Art Society award ceremony and exhibition launch | Casula Powerhouse

About the exhibition:

Local artist Shazia Fazal once worked as a gallery invigilator at one of Australia’s biggest art museums. As an invigilator her role was to protect and watch the artworks. In quiet moments, an artwork or an interaction would pull her attention so she would pull out her pocket-notebook and draw.

Drawing on watch showcases the drawings Shazia made while on watch at the art museum. Alongside these drawings, the exhibition also includes additional drawings, portraits, landscape paintings and mixed-media works made during the period she was working at the art museum. Drawing on watch celebrates artistic creativity in all its forms, may it provide inspiration to all of the undercover artists in our midst. Drawing on watch is the exhibition outcome of the Casula Powerhouse Scholarship Award 2023 which Shazia received as part of the 25th Annual Liverpool Art Society Exhibition.

About the Casula Powerhouse Scholarship Award:

The Casula Powerhouse Scholarship Award is proudly sponsored by Liverpool City Council and supported by Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre as part of the Liverpool Art Society’s Annual Exhibition and Prizes. The winning artist receives funds to support an exhibition at the Centre, along with support from curatorial staff. The exhibition launches the same day as the 26th Annual Liverpool Art Society Exhibition awards ceremony and launch.

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